Stellar & Stiletto, Ch1 Page 40 Sep06 by Erotibot on September 6, 2024 at 1:07 pm Chapter: Stellar & Stiletto Ch1 To be continued… 7 Comments
Okay, so that was chapter 1. Are you going to do another chapter, or another story?
That was a teaser, plainly. If you want the rest of the story, go to patreon.
I hope not, I stop reading so many comics that way, ‘bait and switch’ is bad enough when the stores do it.
Excited for the next installment 🙂
I love the artstyle. I want more :3
That dialogue oddly reminded me of something I haven’t seen in years…please stop doing that 🙂
Have you considered putting this up on Amazon books? They cover the print costs and do print on demand but take a chunk of the proceeds. I wouldn’t mind having some physical copies of some of your stories.