Stellar & Stiletto, Ch1 Page 33 Aug09 by Erotibot on August 9, 2024 at 8:51 am Chapter: Stellar & Stiletto Ch1 Disturbing the peace
When you cut holes in your hat to let your ears poke through and nobody laughs ?
That’s how you know you’re the boss 😉
I noticed earlier the guards all have ear slots/guards in their helmets!
I noticed that too but the others still keep their ears covered by their hoods and don’t cut holes in them 😉
Is everyone gonna be in her room by the end of this? lmao
what a face. like jafar and frollo had an evil baby.
Yeah that guy doesn’t give off “I’m Evil and a complete asshole” vibes at all.
He looks more like a Ferengi and Dopey the dwarf had a lovechild 🙂
Still, it’s still a good look for him, personally, as looks go, I mean.
Imagine having to wake up in the morning, put on all that and then go sit in a big chair all day long, just waiting, waiting, waiting, until video games are invented.